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Search Engine Optimization

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A website is a complex machine with many moving parts.  Just as you maintain your vehicle, your website needs maintenance from time to time in order to run efficiently.  If you want your site to show up in the search engines, there’s no better way to get effective, lasting results than search engine optimization.  No matter the age or size of a website, it can benefit from fresh optimization.

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What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is defined as the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of organic or free results returned by a search engine.  Typically, that list of results is Google or Bing’s Search Engine Results Pages, commonly known as the SERPs.  The higher a link to your website appears in the SERPs, the more chances it has to be clicked on.  The more clicks you get, the more opportunities you have to sell a potential customer on choosing you to fulfill their needs.  Depending on the needs of a particular business, varying types of search may be targeted, including traditional search, image search, local search, and video search.

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How Does it Work?

Search engines rank websites on a variety of factors.  Those factors are constantly changing, as the search engines like to keep us guessing to avoid less than reputable sites taking advantage and trying to game the system.  That said, we do know that relevant content, site structure, URL structure, a great reputation, and links from reputable websites can all aid in increasing a site’s ranking within the SERPs.  RepBright believes in holistic, honest (or white hat) marketing, and will not work with anyone wishing to resort to dishonest, shady (or black hat) tactics to get quick gains for their site.  These tactics may work in the short term, but nearly always end in a site being penalized, or even removed completely from the search results.  Honest work gets honest, long lasting results.

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How Can RepBright Help Me?

Whether you’re just getting started, or you’ve got a seasoned website that could use a bit of a boost in rankings, we can help out.  Our SEO services will give your site a competitive edge in the search engines, and get your site in front of more potential customers.  We will take into account your industry, competition, and budget, and put together a customized optimization plan based on your individual needs.  Not sure if you need help?  Contact RepBright today, and we’ll do a free audit on your existing site, complete with recommendations for improvement!
